Welcome to Texoma!
No Contact Delivery of Your Welcome Basket is Available
An Old-Fashioned Welcome Service
If you have just moved into the Texoma area, welcome! Like most whom have relocated, you may be challenged with finding businesses to meet your needs. Sally Gray of Welcome with Texoma can assist you.
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Welcome to Texoma!
The Welcome to Texoma basket service helps those transition after relocation. Sally Gray, the owner, has put together a comprehensive list of services customized just for you. She gathers it all together in the form of a Welcome Basket. Businesses contact Sally for the opportunity to be placed in the Welcome to Texoma basket.
Receive Your FREE Welcome Basket
Each customized welcome basket includes goodies from multiple local area businesses that meet your individual needs. Sally Gray will visit with you on what extra welcoming surprises your basket offers.
Multiple Items Inside
Become a Sponsor
The value of direct marketing sales with word-of-mouth advertising is a priceless marketing advantage. With Welcome to Texoma businesses benefit from a low cost promotional solution.
30+ Current Sponsors
Discover Your Community
The Texoma area is home to many vibrant North Texas communities. We take pride in our many hometown features, excellent educational institutions, and our medical offerings.
Multiple Facilities
Jennifer Gracin
I’m am so excited to post that Jennifer Gracin Photography has had it’s first Texas client!! Yahooooo!! Meet Sally Gray! I had the opportunity to work with this beautiful woman last week. Sally is the owner of Welcome to Texoma which is a basket service that welcomes newcomers to the Wichita Falls area. I met Sally when she brought a welcome basket to my house with loads of samples and great information from local businesses. We hit it off right away and she has already made so many useful connections for my business. I am so grateful for the service she provides and to have had the opportunity to work together!
If you would like to request a basket for yourself of if you know a newcomer to the area that would find this service useful, please visit the Welcome to Texoma website at www.welcometotexoma.com. Just fill out a quick form and Sally will contact you and set up a time to deliver a basket free of charge! Or you could contact her through her FB page here- Welcome To Texoma.
These are some of my favorites from our session together…with ~ Jennifer Johnson Gracin
Jennifer Voss
When my husband and I moved to Wichita Falls, we felt lost and lonely. Then we met Sally Gray, the owner of Welcome to Texoma. Wichita Falls quickly became our home.
At a local park, we were presented with a beautiful Welcome Basket. It contained all sorts of handy information and even a loaf of honey bread. While our kids played, Sally answered all our questions. She was a veritable encyclopedia of information.
It was such a wonderful, friendly, warm experience. I now truly call Sally my friend. I want other new residents to Wichita Falls to have the same experience our family had. Therefore, I’m always sending contacts to Sally. I also encourage others to do the same.
Thanks, Sally, for providing such a wonderful and helpful service.
Gaby Lockhart
Our family moved to Wichita Falls in 2008. One of the first people we met was Sally Gray of Welcome to Texoma. She did a phenomenal job welcoming us to the community. She made us feel very special and was a wealth of information. Her welcome basket was beautifully done with business information and treats.
Sally has become a real friend. In my business, I pass on names of clients to her. She welcomes them on my behalf. This helps her business, and it helps my business. That’s good for business, for the new family, and for our area.
Thanks, Sally. You’re special and so is your business, Welcome to Texoma.
Ashley Draughon
I’m a military spouse. Moving into Wichita Falls was hard because I was alone most of the time. The kids were going to school, and my husband was working. Sally Gray of Welcome to Texoma stepped in and became my friend. She came to our home and made me feel important. She brought her beautiful welcome basket of information and goodies.
If a family is moving into the Wichita Falls area, let Sally know. She’ll welcome the whole family. You’ll thank her after. I love Sally for the way she helped me and my family. What an amazing experience!
Become a Sponsor
Welcome to Texoma helps area businesses reach ready-to-buy clients through direct marketing services. What better way to get the word out to those new in the community! Sally Gray makes that possible with her Welcome to Texoma basket service. She services the demographics and locations that you need for your business.
Photo by Jennifer Gracin Photography
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